Environmental Dowsing
What is Environmental Dowsing?
Environmental Dowsing is a practice used to detect and cure energy in our environment created by disturbances to the earth’s natural energy flow. We use enhanced copper dowsing sticks that are activated with energetic frequencies designed to cure each particular type of energy disturbance.
Benefits of Dowsing
Environmental Dowsing identifies earth energies in your home or office that creates resistance in your life. This can show up as health, financial or relationship issues. Dowsing has such and immediate, permanent and positive impact on your home or office energy frequency the most people can feel the difference instantly.
Through dowsing we can identify Positive and Negative Vortexes in our home or office and apply cures to block or convert the Negative Vortexes into Positive Vortexes. Dowsing your home and office significantly amplifies the positive energy frequency in your living environment and promotes great success in your personal life and business.
You may personally vibrate at high energy frequency, but if the energy frequency of your home or work environment is low, it drags you down and promotes low energy experiences. Dowsing harmonizes and cures the disturbances in the earth’s natural occurring energies flowing through your living area. A dowsed home or office supports and enhances your personal energies, helping you experience more peace and operate more effectively.
If the energy frequency of your home or office is low, it promotes a feeling of separateness leading to confusion, stress and depression in our life. A higher energy frequency in our living environment promotes feelings of hopefulness and synergy. Dowsing Design raises the energy frequency in your home or workplace so more peaceful, uplifting, and orderly experiences flow into your life. We may personally vibrate at a higher energy frequency, but if the energy frequency of our home or work environment are low, it will tend to drag down our energy and promote low energy experiences in our lives.
Disturbances in these naturally occurring earth energies in our bedrooms and sleeping areas can be most disruptive to our sleep and cause insomnia, health or relationship issues. Dowsing identifies Geopathic Stress Lines and Interference Lines caused by cell towers. Through the application of cures it eliminates them from your bedrooms for sounder sleep.
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(612) 868-2887
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