Environment Dowsing Versus Space Clearing
Individual Disciplines that Address Different Dimensional Fields
Environmental Dowsing specifically deals with earth energies. We are all familiar with gravity, ley lines and north/south electromagnetic fields. Environmental Dowsing has identified a number of additional earth energies and identifies the effect they have on people, their homes and their living environments.
Space Clearing deals with energies originating from living beings (people), including their mental, emotional and physical activities during their current and past lives. We are acutely aware of the terrible environment surrounding violence, hatred and murder. The energies people expend during these unfortunate activities leaves a residual energy in the physical locations and buildings where these mental, emotional and physical events occur, creating an invisible yet tangible, heavy dense polluted environment in those locations. Even criticism, condemnation or any limiting thought or feeling people may generate leaves a residual negative energy in the location where this occurs.
Environmental Dowsing & Space Clearing are Complimentary

Space Clearing purifies, transmutes and eliminates these dense polluted energies from land areas and building structures. This effectively cleanses these locations and returns the land areas and building structures to a clear, purified state.
Space Clearing however, is not effective in addressing earth energies. Environmental Dowsing has little effect on clearing residual mental and emotional energies polluting these same locations.
Individually, Environmental Dowsing or Space Clearing significantly benefit and raise the energy frequency in a person’s home or living environment, promoting greater health, happiness and well-being in the lives of people in these locations and building structures.
Space Clearing and Environmental Dowsing in combination have the most dramatic impact by both harmonizing disruptive earth energies and clearing residual dense mental and emotional energies that have accumulated in that location for many decades and/or centuries. This effectively returns the land areas and building structures to their original clear, pure, high vibrational frequency. The resulting high energy frequency environment naturally raises the energy frequency of the people living in these purified high frequency environments, drawing them into greater happiness and success in their lives.
(612) 868-2887

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